dp.SyntaxHighlighter 1.5.0 Tests and Samples




  1. C#
  2. CSS
  3. C++
  4. Delphi
  5. Java
  6. JavaScript
  7. PHP
  8. Python
  9. Ruby
  10. SQL
  11. Visual Basic
  12. XML / HTML


  1. Smart tabs
  2. First line
  3. Expand code
  4. Show columns
  5. No gutter
  6. No controls
Text body before.

cache = {}

string s = "## comments inside a string"
string str = "helllo \"world\", how things?" + 10 + "word" + "hello" # and " some more here

def arrange(plans, lines, totalMinutes):
    """arrangements of plans taken lines times with an heuristic that the sum
       of values in one arrangement is less then totalMinutes
    #if in cache we are done otherwise start calculating and save them to cache
    if (plans, lines, totalMinutes) in cache:
        return cache[(plans, lines, totalMinutes)]
    if lines==1:
        r = [[plan] for plan in plans]
        cache[(plans, lines, totalMinutes)] = r
        return r
    solutions = []
    for plan in plans:
        for ar in sort(list(arrange(plans, lines-1, totalMinutes))):
                one_solution = tuple(sort([plan] + list(ar)))
                if sum(one_solution) <= totalMinutes and one_solution not in solutions:
            except Exception, e:
                print "Error:", str(e)
    cache[(plans, lines, totalMinutes)] = solutions
    return solutions

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    lines, totalMinutes = int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])
    plans = tuple([int(p) for p in sys.argv[3:]])
    print "for", lines, totalMinutes, plans
    for sol in arrange(plans, lines, totalMinutes):
        print sol

Text body after.