dp.SyntaxHighlighter 1.5.0 Tests and Samples


Crash Test


  1. C#
  2. CSS
  3. C++
  4. Delphi
  5. Java
  6. JavaScript
  7. PHP
  8. Python
  9. Ruby
  10. SQL
  11. Visual Basic
  12. XML / HTML


  1. Smart tabs
  2. First line
  3. Expand code
  4. Show columns
  5. No gutter
  6. No controls
Text body before.
// retrouver la publication à partir de l`idagence / id type publication   ---  in this line makes it crash
if (iIdPublication == 0 && iIdTypePublication != 0 && iIdAgence != 0) {
    sStmtA = "SELECT idpublication "
    + " FROM table1 WITH(NOLOCK) "
    + " WHERE idagence = " + iIdAgence
    + " AND idtypepublication = " + iIdTypePublication;
    using (Sql sql = new Sql("bc", "immobc"))
        iIdPublication = F.ForceInt(sql.ExecScalar(sStmtA));

// alertes pour une publication donnée
if(iIdPublication != 0) {
    using(Sql oSql = new Sql("aboemail")) {
        sStmt = "SELECT table1.*, table3.*, table2.month, table2.year, "
        + " table2.nbsends as nbsends2 "
        + " FROM table1 WITH(NOLOCK) "
        + " LEFT JOIN table2 WITH(NOLOCK) ON table1.idabo_email=table2.idabo_email "
        + " INNER JOIN table3 WITH(NOLOCK) ON table1.idabotypeaction = table3.idabotypeaction "
        + " WHERE idpublication = " + iIdPublication + sWhereSup
        + " ORDER BY table1.idabo_email, table2.year DESC, table2.month DESC";
//Mail.SendMail("glop@glop.com","glop@glop.com","abo",sStmtP + " " + sStmtA + " " + sStmt,false);
string[] AMonths = new string[12] { "Janvier","Février","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Aout","Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Décembre" };
DicContext["AMonths"] = AMonths;

Text body after.