Tuesday , February 11 2025

Interface in Java

An interface is a reference type in Java, it is similar to class, it is a collection of abstract methods. An interface in java is a blueprint of a class. It has static constants and abstract methods only.

The interface in java is a mechanism to achieve fully abstraction. There can be only abstract methods in the java interface not method body. It is used to achieve fully abstraction and multiple inheritance in Java.

Unless the class that implements the interface is abstract, all the methods of the interface need to be defined in the class.

Advantages of Interface:

  • It is used to achieve fully abstraction.
  • By interface, we can support the functionality of multiple inheritance.
  • It can be used to achieve loose coupling.

Declaring Interfaces:

The interface keyword is used to declare an interface. Here is a simple example to declare an interface:

interface Animal
/* All the methods are public abstract by default
* Note down that these methods are not having body
public void eat();
public void travel();

Interfaces have the following properties:

  • An interface is implicitly abstract. You do not need to use the abstract keyword while declaring an interface.
  • Each method in an interface is also implicitly abstract, so the abstract keyword is not needed.
  • Methods in an interface are implicitly public.

Interface Implementation:


When a class implements an interface, you can think of the class as signing a contract, agreeing to perform the specific behaviors of the interface. If a class does not perform all the behaviors of the interface, the class must declare itself as abstract.
A class uses the implements keyword to implement an interface. The implements keyword appears in the class declaration following the extends portion of the declaration.

/* File name : Test.java */
public class Test implements Animal{

public void eat(){
System.out.println("Mammal eats");

public void travel(){
System.out.println("Mammal travels");

public int noOfLegs(){
return 0;

public static void main(String args[]){
Test m = new Test();

This would produce the following result:

ammal eats
ammal travels


xtending Interfaces:

An interface can extend another interface, similarly to the way that a class can extend another class. The extends keyword is used to extend an interface, and the child interface inherits the methods of the parent interface.
The following Sports interface is extended by Hockey and Football interfaces.

//Filename: Sports.java
public interface Sports
public void setHomeTeam(String name);
public void setVisitingTeam(String name);

//Filename: Football.java
public interface Football extends Sports
public void homeTeamScored(int points);
public void visitingTeamScored(int points);
public void endOfQuarter(int quarter);

//Filename: Hockey.java
public interface Hockey extends Sports
public void homeGoalScored();
public void visitingGoalScored();
public void endOfPeriod(int period);
public void overtimePeriod(int ot);


Extending Multiple Interfaces:


A Java class can only extend one parent class. Multiple inheritance is not allowed. Interfaces are not classes, however, and an interface can extend more than one parent interface.
The extends keyword is used once, and the parent interfaces are declared in a comma-separated list.

For example, if the Hockey interface extended both Sports and Event, it would be declared as:

public interface Hockey extends Sports, Event


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